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2011 Goals, revisited

It is now halfway through the year, and a good time for an update on my 2011 goals.
1. Weigh less than 200lbs for the majority of the year, but definitely the last quarter. Well, I’ve made good progress here. Today I am at 204, but I know I can meet this one.
2. Give up processed sweets for three months (jan-mar) Done! I actually skipped a couple months, but I did give up sweets for three months, Jan/mar/may.
3. Eat a vegetable every day. I wouldn’t say I’m 100% on this, but I am definitely, consistently, working at it. I’m gonna give myself a check mark here and keep at it. In fact, I’m eating broccoli at my desk right now!
4. Earn at least 9 college credits. Earned 4 credits, probably 4 more in the fall. Not perfect but close.
5. See at least 2 live theater presentations. 50% completion rate, saw Oklahoma, still working on it.
6. Leave the state for vacation. Planning a trip for October, although technically we drove through Arkansas last weekend, so…..DONE.
7. Wear lipstick at least once a month. A good goal and I am doing good, just got to stick with it.
8. Read 50 books. (at least 10 adult, at least 5 "classics") Done! Read 50 books. Need to focus on ‘classics’ in the second half of the year.
9. Write in a journal every week. (or here, whatever) Fail! Fail, fail, fail. Just can’t prioritize the time for this. Gonna take it off the list.
10. Exercise every week. This is not to say that once a week is enough, but I definitely do not want more than a week to go by without some exercise. That is how we get to months without. And I started to slip some in May, but was doing good up till then. The heat is a REAL issue, but I’m working on this one.
11. Do 2 5ks. 50% , finished one, will do another in the fall when it cools down.
12. Learn to ride a bike. Done! Apparently you don’t forget! I hope to do more of this when it cools down again.
13. Organize our digital pictures. I’ve done nothing on this one.
14. Host 2 parties at our home. I’m gonna count Ledger’s birthday party, which is probably not technically fair, but…yay! 50%
15. Pay off 25% of consumer debt. This does NOT include car, house, and student loan. It does include the bank loan and the credit card debt. I don’t know. I’m afraid to look. We are working on this one.
16. Purchase a laptop with real money, not on credit. Nope.
17. Purchase 2 nice work outfits. 50%, spent some money in may on nice clothes, now I just have to keep it up.
18. Do 3 decorative things to our home. Could be paint, curtains, hang something on the walls, etc. Nope.
19. Be kind to my spouse. Not as focused a goal, but definitely worthwhile. Nope, but it’s good to keep it on the list.
20. Watch Ledger try an organised sport. Doesn't have to succeed or continue, but would like him to try this year. Signed up for fall soccer, so not technically completed, we are on track.
21. Take Ledger to an art museum. We’ve done some science museums, but still need to hit DMA.
22. Volunteer with Ledger. Nope.
23. Grow something. Nope.
24. Make something creative. Nope.
25. Hike through River Legacy with my boys. Yes! Yay. It was hot, and hot, and I was sweaty, but we did this as a family.

That’s not actually great odds, but at least I’ve done some of them, right? Now I can reprint the list and try again.


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