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Showing posts from August, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is my 28th birthday. Well, technically, yesterday was, but I am posting this on the morning of the 20th. I worked yesterday and then when I got home it was bottles and diapers and bed. Honestly, there is not a great difference between the day before the day before you turn 28 and the day after you turn 28. However, our society looks at beginnings (New Years, birthdays, anniversary's) as a time to examine where you are and where you have been. I am 28 years old. I am married, with one child. I am a librarian. It feels like I am coming out of a difficult phase. First I was pregnant and sick, and then I was pregnant and tired and then we were adjusting to a tiny screamy person and then I think it just took me a little while to adjust after the whole "birth trauma-postpartum-emotional" thing. I don't know, maybe this is just a break in the storm and tomorrow I'll feel bad and depressed again, but it really feels like I am coming out on the far side...